Holland Zoning Board of Appeals
Meeting Minutes
Date: February 19, 2008
Present: Ray Korny, Acting Chairperson
Don Beal, Scribe
Todd Mayo, Associate
Ron Seaburg, Secretary
7:15 PM The reading of the minutes for January 15, 2008 were postponed until March 4, 2008.
7:30 PM Special Permit/Variance Request
Mr. William Pucci
31 Massaconnic Trail, Holland, Tel. No. 413-245-2804
Book 12161 Page 77
In attendance were Ms Kelly Boyer, and Ms Kathleen Boyer an abutter at 288 Mashapaug Road.
Since the door to the file room was locked the Board was unable to get all the materials needed for this case. However, Mr. Pucci had prepared a presentation that included most of the necessary information the Board needed.
Mr. Pucci would like to tear down his circa 1930’s home and garage. He would like to rebuild another garage at a different location on his property that would benefit him, the neighbors, and the town. The present house and garage are built on a nonconforming lot. The house addition and the new garage would increase in size and height.
Mr. Pucci and the Board discussed all aspects of his proposal during his power-point presentation. The Board found the proposed side deck to be in violation of setback requirements. The Board recommends that the plans be re-drawn to meet the requirements of a non-conforming lot. The Board will discuss the proposal with the Building Inspector and Town Counsel. The Board needs to obtain more information regarding the garage before reaching a decision. There was no reason for the Board to make a visitation to the property at this time.
A continuance will be held on March 18, 2008 at 7:30 PM
The meeting was adjourned at 9:25 PM.
CC: Building Inspector, Executive Secretary, Town Clerk, HCC, and ZBA File
Submitted by:
Ronald Seaburg, Secretary